Are you a selling your house?
The process is a shortened version of the buying process, in that the buyers solicitors will be going through that process with their client and we will be responding:
The steps to follow for property purchases….
Step 1 – Property Information
Sellers Information Pack(SIFs) When you are selling we will need to have your signed Client care letter and ID. We will also need you to complete two forms about the property – Sellers Information Form and Fittings, Fixtures and Contents Form.
The Property Information Form is about the boundaries, alterations and services to the property, where as Fittings, Fixtures & Contents is all about the internal fittings and what is going to be left at the property.
These forms are needed as we have to send these to the buyers solicitors as part of the Contract Pack.
Step 2 – Title
What a title is and why we need to check it. Along with the forms, we have to provide the buyers solicitor with proof of ownership of the property (known as Title). If it is registered with the Land Registry, we will download and look over the Land Registry Official Copies, these are the Register and Title Plan.
They show the property address, the owner property/proprietor, if there are any mortgages & any restrictive covenants – what you cannot do to the property. The register will also show other Land Registry documents ie previous conveyances or transfers that affect this property, eg if part of the land has been previously sold. Copies of the documents referred to are usually filed with the Land Registry too. If the title is not registered with the Land Registry, we will need you to bring the title deeds into us to prepare an Epitome of Title.
Step 3 – Contracts
Having seen the Official Copies (or Epitome of Title if unregistered land) we can draft the contract. This will set out the full names of all parties involved in the sale, including middle names.
It will have the price on, the address and also the title number (or Root of Title if unregistered land). We send this over to the buyers solicitors for their approval.
Once it is approved we can send this out to you to sign, and once returned to us we are in a position to talk about exchanging. We never ask you to date documentation, so please send it back undated.
Step 4 – Exchange
When contracts have been exchanged. From a legal stand point, it is a legal responsibility to sell the property on the completion date, which would have been previously agreed.
Step 5 – Pre-completion
Mortgage redemption. Seller will be doing more than us at this stage – organising moving van, moving utilities etc It is also at this stage that if you are purchasing another property at the same time, we will exchange contracts on the purchase also.
At this stage we will nott be doing half as much as you. Whilst you are busy packing we will get a mortgage redemption statement from the bank, and the estate agents account if you’re selling using an agent.
We will prepare a completion statement and set up our file to transfer the money out to redeem the mortgage and then send the rest on to you. If you are buying another property we will arrange to send the money on to your purchase.
Step 6 – Moving
Get money transferred from buyer, house is no longer yours, completion call, send keys, move out! On completion, we will receive the funds from the buyers solicitors. We then send out any funds required to redeem your mortgage and if you are buying another property we transfer the money to your purchase.
We will arrange for payment to the estate agent (if any) and send the remainder to yourself. We will let the estate agents know when funds have been received, and they will then release the keys to the buyers once you have taken them in to them.
Please note: you do need to move out of your house on the day of completion.